Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New all-metal design for Apple MacBook and MacBook Pro imminent

Apple MacBook - new design soon?

There are whispers on the web that some of Apple's longest-standing designs, the MacBook and MacBook Pro will be getting redesigns.

Apple Insider is reporting that the new MacBook will dump its plastic enclosure in favour of a more eco-friendly (apparently) aluminium enclosure. That means the long-predicted end for Apple's white enclosures (though the new Time Capsule backup device is, weirdly, in white).

The MacBook Pro will likely feature the low-profile keyboard used on the iMac keyboard and Macbook Air. It's likely it'll be slimmed down, too, but not to the extent that the Air has been (ie it'll still be full powered... we hope!).

And not before time, I reckon. The MacBook Air's biggest appeal is the way it looks (it's so lovely that I took the plunge and bought one last week when my PowerBook G4 finally flopped its final giga - yes, I'm a superficial fool). But the MacBook is really a repackaged iBook and the MacBook Pro is the Powerbook's twin.

Both redesigned laptops are expected to arrive in the middle of the year. Maybe they'll even get names that don't make them sound like MacDonald's sandwiches. But I doubt it.

Source: Stuff

